Users CRUD
Users CRUD is a a crud web app which allows user to create, read, update, and delete accounts.
Tools: Html, Css, Bootstrap, Python, Flask, Jinja, and SQLite.
Focus: Database Connections, Classes, Objects, Servers, Iterating,
Jinja Variables, Loops, and Conditions, App Routing, Redirects, Form Requests,
HTTP Methods, Template Rendering, Models, Controllers.
Great Number Game
Great Number Game is a web app which picks a random number and allows the user to guess that number.
Tools: Html, Css, Bootstrap, Python, Jinja, and Flask.
Focus: Servers, Jinja Variables, Loops, and Conditions, Dynamic Web Pages, Session storage, App routing, Redirects, Form Requests, Template Rendering.
LucidDeveloper is my personal website.
Deployed on Digital Ocean using OpenSSH.
Tools: Javascript, Html, Css, Bootstrap, Loom, Python, Jinja, Flask, and SQLite.
Focus: CRUD applications, App Servers, Flask, Web Servers, Nginx, SSH Protocols, OpenSSH, Models, Views, and Controllers, HTTP Methods,
Iterating, Session storage, Routing, Redirects, Form Requests, Template Rendering,
Model, View, Controllers.