New York City College of Technology
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Systems
January 2023 - Present
GPA: 4.0
Boston University
College of Engineering
Biomedical Engineering (Complete 104.5 credits.)
September 2007 - December 2012
Technical Skills
Programming Languages
Python, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Dart, SQL, C++, Java
Flask, Jinja, Django, Bootstrap, Flutter, Node.js
MySQL, SQL Alchemy, SQLite
Git, GitHub, Npm, Pip, Pipenv, OpenSSH, Nginx, FileZilla, Command Prompt, Git Bash, Nano, Systemd (Systemctl), Xclip, Loom, Digital Ocean, Heroku, Microsoft Visual Studio, JetBrains IDEA, Android Studio, VS Code, Eclipse, Loom
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux
Program/Learning/Technical Aide
September 2023 - Present
RF CUNY - Tutor
As a tutor in the Computer Systems department I assisted students in developing their
logical thinking and problem solving skills.
Full Stack Python Developer
January 2021 - December 2021
Coding Dojo - Cohort
As a cohort of the 2021 part time accelerated Coding Dojo bootcamp
I learned the fundamentals of programming and web development to create a full stack web app with Python and the Flask framework.
We Love U Foundation - Volunteer
January 2014 - Present